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Dart Vadoor becam a Sith lord frum a Jedi coz Luke sed he's gay. He waz enchanted by da lil green gay maker. Dis angar druv him 2 becum evul n' destroy all teh gays in da universe. His hatred propels him.

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Luk waz a deer boy n' da pride of his fathr. He happened 2 crash land on a gay planet by chance. Dere lived a green kobolt named Yuda Gay. He bewitched him wit a spell n' frum den on, he waz gay.

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Mastr Yoda. Teh gaymaker. He iz da reasn why Luk becam gay. He waz penetrated by him wit a laser dildo 4 so long dat his wil weakened n' he gav in.

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Impenetrator: It turns out dat his deep gay hatrd stems frum being gay himself. He iz da pope of da universe n' secretly seduces bois. He wants 2 have dem all 4 himself n' doesn't spare any.

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Anikun waz a yung boy, just lik Luk. He didn't no he waz gonna bcome Dart Vadoor, da big baddie of da universe. He waz tempted by da dark side coz sum green dude told him he had powr. Anikun fell into da trap n' becam gay. He thought bein bad waz gonna make him strong, but it jus made him zesty.